Dr. Seuss Quote

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 2 - (4/27/12) - The Kickoff Party

Contents:  PCT Kick Off Party-0.00 miles 

The Kick-Off Party was in full swing today, and it totally felt like college orientation.  It was a beautiful day, and I alternated between attending events and relaxing in camp.  I also walked into town to pick up some additional grub and took an awesome hot shower before the bathrooms were shut down due to a major sewage overflow.

The kick-off is pretty cool.  There are vendors but it still feels small and non-commercial. I took the Green Bean to the ULA tent and got a few professional adjustments made.  The presentations I went to were Desert Hiking, Overuse Injuries, the Water/Snow Report, and Bears, Food, and Fire, followed by some book readings and the PCT Film Festival this evening.  Bears, Food, and Fire was definitely the most entertaining talk.  Also, fortunately it doesn't sound like water is going to be any more challenging of an issue than usual this year despite the the very moderate winter.

I ran into Tom, Tori, and their 10 week old baby, Kylie this afternoon.  Tom and Tori are friends from Seattle who thru-hiked a few years ago. Former thru-hikers often use the kick-off as a reunion each year. I enjoyed following Tom and Tori's blog when they were on the trail, and it was really fun to catch up and see some familiar faces from home.

Tomorrow, I'm volunteering at breakfast.  I'm planning to spend the rest of the morning and afternoon at the kick-off, though I'm not sure whether I'll attend any more events.  My current plan is to continue north right after dinner and put in 6 or 7 miles before setting up camp.  If I do this, I shouldn't have an trouble making it to Mt. Laguna where I'm hoping to resupply the following day.  Right now, I'm mostly hanging with some Portlanders who are all going solo, and I think we'll probably stick together at least until Laguna.

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