Dr. Seuss Quote

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 50 - 6/14/12 - Sierra Ass Kicker

Contents:  Mulkey Pass - Crabtree Meadows Ranger Station (Approx. 24 miles)

Today was definitely an ass kicker, but Smiles and I got 'er done and it feels great.  There's absolutely nothing I love more than the completely spent feeling one gets after a really tough day in the mountains, and I get to experience that feeling so often out here.  In fact, I think I'm addicted to it.

Anyways, Smiles and I had a good, albeit strenuous day.  Though we didn't do quite as much climbing as yesterday, we were at high elevation all day, and the terrain wasn't exactly easy.  Like steep climbs through unconsolidated sand at 11,500 feet?  Hike the PCT! Seriously though - I thought we'd left this sand stuff in the desert.  Not so much.....

In spite of my complaining, the scenery was breathtaking and Smiles and I shared plenty of laughs.  We took long breaks at the Chicklet Lake outlet, and the Rock Creek crossing.  Gotta love all this water!  We've caught up with Histo, Snausage, Nips and Wildflower (they didn't double zero at KM) and are in position for our Whitney summit push tomorrow morning.  Can't wait.  Wish us luck!

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