We had another gorgeous day today with some slightly gentler terrain. We woke up to a cold morning and got motivated for an earlier start than we've had the past few days. The first 7.5ish miles were a gradual downhill and they went really fast. We then crossed Evolution Creek, a notoriously difficult ford. However, it was a breeze this year, and I don't think the water was even a foot deep. After Evolution Creek, we enjoyed some gradual downhill and got quite low (under 8,000 ft.). We were in a canyon with tress and the creek. Eventually we started climbing out of the canyon toward Selden Pass which we'll hit tomorrow (no passes today!). I'm currently camped between the two Sallie Keyes Lakes with Wash Out, Smiles, and Pounce. We think Tourist is just ahead at the next lake.
Wash Out and I are super low on food, and we're going to try to make it to VVR tomorrow. We're both hungry all the time. Smiles had a couple of extra Ramen packets which she was kind enough to give us, so we were each able to eat two dinners. YAY! I think we're about 13 PCT miles plus 1.5 non-PCT miles out of the VVR dock, so we're planning to get an early start tomorrow in order to make the final 4:45 crossing. Looking forward to a boat ride!
VVR is known for being a bit of a racket, but we're all excited for a break. While we haven't been making big miles this stretch, the difficult terrain and altitude has been exhausting.
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