Dr. Seuss Quote

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 114 - 8/17/12 -Nobody Actually Wants to Hike!

Contents:  Highway 140 - Snow Lakes (23.5 miles)

Today was a good day.  Mud Flap's friends, Stacy and Ben, gave us a lift back to the trail around 9:15.  As soon as we arrived at the trail, we ran into Weather Carrot and Bobcat who I hadn't met before.  It was great to meet some new folks, and they informed us that Bacon Bits and Gumbi who I'd met in Tuolumene were just ahead with Action Pack.

We had more super flat terrain today and made really good time.  Shortly after leaving the trail head, we ran into two trail angels on horses who were handing out goodies.  They were much appreciated.  We did lunch at Christi Spring which was in a brushy, manzanita-like forest.  Very cool.  We finally got a few good vistsa from a ridge late in the day. 

I'm currently camped at a small lake located about .2 miles off the trail with Smiles, Mellow, Shameless, Mud Flap, and a SOBO Section hiker.  It's overcast and there's a chance of thunderstorms, but only Mud Flap and the Section hiker bothered to set up tents.  The rest of us are crossing our fingers.  It sure is muggy though!

I'm still having fun, but I'm starting to get a little burnt out on walking.  After 1800 miles, I'm running out of things to think about.  I've tried to come up with solutions for many of the world's problems, analyzed every major life decision I've ever made, contemplated the merits and downfalls of every guy I've ever dated and given substantial thought to my future.  Kids, partners, jobs, school......you name it and I've thought about it.  I also get tired of listening to music and sometimes wish for an audio book.  The good news is that we never seem to run out of things to talk about and I learn new things about my friends every day.  Also, I think we get crazier and crazier and laugh more and more with the passage of time.  We find humor in everything out here.  Nevertheless, the miles are sometimes monotonous.

Off to bed!  We're pushing toward Crater Lake now and should arrive tomorrow or early Sunday.

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